- Another day, another signing for the Jays. The infield is now set with the Royce Clayton signing. As Steph D says in a comment from a previous post, this means Aaron Hill moves back to 2nd base to make room at shortstop for Clayton. About 15 years ago, Serge the Psycho and I were hooked on Hardball 4 for the Sega Genesis. For some reason, we decided to play a season as the San Francisco Giants who had a young infielder by the name of Royce Clayton. Hard to believe he's still around. I tell you this story to illustrate how the ageless wonder is a stop-gap solution for the Jays, who must be hoping Russ Adams makes some sort of leap in development.
- If I had a vote, I would not give it to Mark McGuire. Not this year, not ever.
- I've been noticeably silent on the Sens for a while. It's a reflection of how much this team moves me. I hope to get excited about them again sometime soon: there's only two months of football remaining.
- Roger Goodell created a stir today by name-dropping Toronto as a possible expansion location. The usual hand-wringing followed in the Canadian media concerning the future of the Canadian Football League. One question, asked by Sportsnet, was: If the NFL expands to Toronto, will it kill the CFL? 72% responded yes. I disagree. I'm no CFL fan, but the league has done a great job of promoting itself at the grass-roots level. The Toronto media must think that Stampeders fans give a rat's ass about the Argos: they don't. People in B.C. won't stop watching the Lions just because there's an NFL team in Southern Ontario. The better question might be: If the NFL expands to Toronto, will it kill the Buffalo Bills? Absolutely.
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