So here's how it works...
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For the first question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button TWICE
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool...just type it in man!
1. Opening Credits
Pretty In Pink: The Psychedelic Furs
2. Waking Up:
Hello Dave - I Mother Earth
3. First Day at School:
Safe and Sound - Hawksley Workman
4. Falling in Love:
Fool To Cry - Rolling Stones
5. Losing Virginity:
Butterflies and Hurricanes - Muse
6. Fight Song:
In You Soul - Corey Hart
7. Breaking Up:
Things We Said Today - The Beatles
8. Prom:
Action - Sweet
9. Life:
Rebel Girl - Bikini Kill
10. Mental Breakdown:
Scarlet - U2
11. Driving:
Jizzlobber - Faith No More
12. Flashback:
Vertigo - Sarah Slean
13. Getting Back Together:
Perfect - Smashing Pumpkins
14. Wedding:
Brass In Pocket - The Pretenders
15. Birth of Child:
Rebellion (Lies) - Arcade Fire
16. Final Battle:
Haushinka - Green Day
17. Death Scene:
Tom Sawyer - Rush
18. Funeral Song:
Eyesight to the Blind - The Who
19.End Credits
NIB - Black Sabbath
1. Opening Credits
Cats in the Cradle - Ugly Kid Joe
2. Waking Up:
Sandstorm - Darude
3. First Day at School:
Come Out - Offspring
4. Falling in Love:
Kung-fu Fighting – Carl Douglas
5. Losing Virginity:
What’s My Age Again – Blink 182
6. Fight Song:
Malibu - Hole
7. Breaking Up:
Busy Child – Crystal Method
8. Prom:
Piece of Shit Car – Adam Sandler
9. Life:
Don’t Stand So Close To Me - Police
10. Mental Breakdown:
What’s This Life For - Creed
11. Driving:
Beautiful – Christina Aguilera
12. Flashback:
Come Together - Beatles
13. Getting Back Together:
Baby, One More Time – Britney Spears
14. Wedding:
The Scientist - Coldplay
15. Birth of Child:
Turn The Page - Metallica
16. Final Battle:
Strawberry Wine – Deana Carter
17. Death Scene:
My Heart has a History – Paul Brandt
18. Funeral Song:
Make Up Your Mind – Theory of a Deadman
19.End Credits
Breakfast at Tiffany’s – Deep Blue Something
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